Rooster Crew

Rooster Crew

What farm is complete without a rooster crowing? Did you know that roosters are typically the first ones up on the farm and the last ones to bed? They will even check to make sure all of their friends are safely tucked in for the night before bedding down themselves. Our Rooster Crew can typically be seen strutting their stuff around the yards and scanning the sky and landscape looking for any potential danger. They will also seek out bugs and alert their hens or fellow roosters that they found something tasty.

Roosters are often surrendered to shelters or dumped in public places after being raised in school hatching programmes or purchased as chicks from backyard sellers, as it is impossible to tell hen from rooster at such a young age. In most surburbs, it is illegal to have roosters due to noise ordinances. However, here at Where Pigs Fly, they are safe to crow all day long. And they do! All 24 of them!

We have an all-rooster flock who all get along and act just like any flock. If there are no hens to fight over, roosters have no reason to disagree and can live happily ever after.

Rescue date: Since 2014

chickens at where pigs fly