Percy arrived at Where Pigs Fly at just one week old, weighing barely over a kilo. He and his sibling were found on a busy road after being hit by a car. While Percy survived, his sibling didn’t make it through the trauma. His own survival was uncertain at first – he was frightened, weak, and extremely tiny.
With intensive veterinary care and round-the-clock bottle feeding, Percy gradually gained strength and began to thrive at the sanctuary. He’s grown into a pig with an outsized personality that makes up for his small beginnings. Social, bold, and fun-loving, Percy acts as though he’s in charge of the entire sanctuary.
These days, he can be found in the middle of any sanctuary activity, making his presence known with his confident, outgoing nature. As one of the sanctuary’s animal ambassadors, Percy helps visitors understand that farmed animals are simply no different to our companion animals.
Rescue date: June 2021