The Quiet Power of Sanctuary

Farm sanctuaries like Where Pigs Fly Farm Sanctuary are often seen as places of refuge for animals rescued from neglect, abuse, or slaughter. While this is undoubtedly a vital part of their work, the impact extends far beyond rescue. Sanctuaries are centres of education, connection and awareness, fostering a greater understanding of farm animals, their sentience and the impact animal agriculture has on animals, our planet and our health.


Providing a lifeline for animals in urgent need

Every year, millions of farmed animals suffer in intensive farming systems.  Sanctuaries like Where Pigs Fly offer a second chance, giving animals the space, care, and respect they deserve. Pigs, cows, sheep, goats, chickens—each with their own unique personalities and stories—are given the freedom to heal and live out their lives in peace.

Educating the public about farm animals

Most people have never had the opportunity to meet a pig who loves belly rubs, a cow who enjoys playing, or a chicken who forms deep friendships. Farm sanctuaries provide a platform where visitors can learn about these animals as sentient beings, each capable of joy, fear, and love. By experiencing their personalities first-hand, people develop a deeper empathy and understanding, challenging long-held beliefs about the role and treatment of farm animals in our society. 

Each resident at Where Pigs Fly has a story of rescue and survival-whether it’s a commercial meat pig like Jeremy rescued from a backyard butcher, gentle Dawn, a rescued dairy cow or a meat chicken like Phillip. These animal ambassadors help visitors see farmed animals as unique individuals with emotions, relationships and the capacity for joy. Just like our dogs and cats. They want to live full lives, free from suffering and pain.

Lily one of our rescue donkeys, loving a hug.
Lily, one of rescue donkeys, loving a hug.

Creating meaningful connections

There is something profoundly moving about looking into the eyes of a rescued animal and recognising their individuality. When people connect with animals on a personal level, they begin to see them not as commodities, but as fellow living beings. These connections break down the walls of disconnect that many people have when it comes to “food animals:, leading to lasting changes in perception and behaviour.

Raising awareness of factory farming

The horrific realities of modern animal agriculture are often hidden from public view. Through the stories of rescued animals, sanctuaries help shine a light on the suffering that takes place within intensive farming systems.

They provide a space for open and honest discussions about the impact of industrial farming on animals, our planet and human health-encouraging people to make informed, ethical decisions.

Be part of the change

At Where Pigs Fly Farm Sanctuary, we see the impact of these transformations every day. Whether it’s a visitor moving to a plant based diet a family learning about the realities of factory farming, or a child making the connection between their meal and the animals they love, every experience matters.

By rescuing animals, educating the public, and fostering emotional connections, we are working towards a kinder, more compassionate world. 

Join us on our mission and get involved.

Donate to help us continue our critical rescue work. 

Participate in our tours, events, or volunteer programmes, 

Share and engage with our social media and help spread awareness and further the message of a kinder world.

We sincerely appreciate your support.

Every act of compassion makes a difference.

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